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An effecctive SEO strategy: but how?


In this post, you’re going to learn exactly how to create and implement an effective SEO strategy, step-by-step.

In fact, this approach has helped me grow my website to 312,995 organic visitors every month:

So if you’re looking to get higher Google rankings, this new guide is for you.

What Is an SEO Strategy?

An SEO strategy (also referred to as “SEO approach” or “search engine optimization strategy”) is the process of planning, outlining, and implementing steps designed to improve search engine rankings.

In other words: an SEO strategy is the process that you follow when you want to get more organic traffic.

With that, here are the steps to create an SEO strategy in 2021:

Step #1: Create a List of Keywords

Everything in search engine optimization revolves around keywords.

This is why keyword research is usually the first step of any legit SEO strategy.

You can easily find keywords that your target customer searches for using Google Suggest.

Start typing a keyword into Google’s search field, and it will populate a list of suggestions:

These usually make awesome keywords for SEO because they come straight from Google.

So you know that people are actually searching for them.

Plus, longer keywords (known as “long-tail keywords”) tend to be less competitive than “short tail” terms.

So even though long tails have relatively low search volume levels, you can usually rank for them faster.

I recommend typing a few different keywords into Google until you have a list of about 10 keywords.

If you want to check out the search volume and competition levels for those terms, you can use a keyword tool like SEMrush or Ubersuggest.

Once you have 10 keywords jotted down, you’re ready for step #2 of this SEO strategy.

Step #2: Analyze Google’s First Page

OK, so you found a handful of keywords.

Now it’s time to see what’s already working for those keywords.

To do that, just type one of the keywords that you found into Google.

Scan the top 10 results:

And jot down any patterns that you notice.

For example, the SERPs for “SEO Tools” is PACKED with lists of tools:

So if you wanted to cover that topic on your site, you’d want to note that the first page results are made up mostly of list posts.

And you’d probably want to publish a list post on your blog.

Then, move onto step #3…

Step #3: Create Something Different or Better

Now it’s time to create some super high-quality content.

When it comes to SEO content, you’ve got two options:

Option #1: You can create something different.

Option #2: You can create something better.


Sometimes you want to create something bigger and better than what’s out there.

(aka The Skyscraper Technique.)

But sometimes you’re better off with content that’s completely different.


Because it helps your content STAND OUT.

For example:

Some time ago I sat down to write a piece of content optimized around: “Mobile SEO”.

And I noticed Google’s first page was littered with list posts, like: “X Ways to Mobile Optimize Your Site.”


I could have created a bigger list post like: “150 Ways to Mobile Optimize Your Site”.

But that wouldn’t make any sense.

Instead, I created something totally different.

Specifically, I published an ultimate guide to mobile optimization.

Backlinko – Mobile SEO guide

And because my content stood out, it got a ton of shares:

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